For the third assignment, we had to tell a story in 10photos, without using any words at all.
So, the photos are below in the correct order:
Ok, for those of you who do not get the story, the story goes as follows.
StoryboardIn the first photo, we see someone carrying a knife acting suspiciously and hiding behind a pillar.
In the second photo, the person is seen walking along a corridor. Questions like where is he going and what is he going to do with the knife should pop up in the viewers mind.
In the third photo, he's peering into a room. This will prompt to viewer to think of what could be inside the room.
In the fourth photo, we see another character or victim, who is busy about his own business, not knowing that he is being stalked.
In the fifth, we see the killer charging into the room with the knife held high with a shout. The victim, is shocked to see the assailant.
Sixth, victim is stabbed in the body with the knife. Facial expression shows a lot of pain as the blood (red) flows out.
Seven, the killer is seen to be expressing victory/joy. Knife is left in the victim's body, blood still flowing out.
Eight, killer turns and looks at the viewer and thinks "oh shit", there was a witness to the killing.
Nine, zoom out to a person holding a rolled up paper. Is the viewer going to run to get help? Or is he just going to shout at the killer and scare him off.
Ten, zoom out further. Turns out the viewer is just a director as seen by his chair and the label "director" on his chair.
As it turns out, its quite a simple and easy to follow story. Camera basically follows the killer who kills someone. Then the killer turns and catches the "cameraman" as if he was a witness. Then the twist is that its actually a set for a movie/tvshow.
With this assignment i was actually inspired by the movie sweeney todd? Unfortunately, i couldnt find any of the old school razor, so I had no choice but to use a knife, which was quite small. Since it was inspired by the movie, i kind of wanted to give it a dark feel, thus using photoshop to grayscale the whole photo and reducing the overall brightness of all the pictures. I only used color to show blood. Also, in the last two photos, the color is gradually introduced back as I wanted to show the transition from "acting" to "real world".
In photo eight, the twist in the story started from here. The killer turned and staring at the camera was basically made to look like he saw a witness (ie. Us). However, I wanted to show was that the director had shouted "Cut!" or something similar which caused him to turn. I hope the idea was put through properly.